Monday, April 4, 2011

Service Project Day 2

I am so thrilled to share with you today's events!  I meet with Swetha once again to continue our journey into the technology world, and I felt so motivated at the end of our session!  Let me first explain what we did... Today we focused on looking up internet resources that could help us learn more about the life cycle of frogs, whether it is in websites, videos, or pictures.  Together, Swetha and I created a GoogleDoc page with our discoveries.  I told Swetha that the internet is an excellent place to find information in different forms. 

After that, Ms. Garcia and I gave our students an assignment- to survey their close friends about life cycles.  We mentioned that with the survey we could create a spreadsheet to better organize our ideas.  In their survey, Swetha and Cassandra are to ask 'What animal would you most like to learn about the life cycle of?'  They felt so excited to get their assignment done and I can't wait for them to come back with the results and create a graph with them!  As Ms. Garcia and I were about to leave, they eagerly asked if we would be going the next day... that just motivated me and showed me that technology is fun and anyone is capable of doing it. That is all for today!

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