Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blogs in the Classroom

Recently I have been exposed to the wonderful world of blogs, and believe me it is wonderful.  I have so many visions of using blogs in my classroom.  In David Warlick's 2c Worth blog, he uses his blog to communicate to others about various events that happen in his daily life that have some sort of meaning or influence on him.  I would like to use my blog to inform parents of the students about the daily activities we are doing in the classroom.  Many times, parents want to know everything, and it may be hard as a teacher to go over every lesson in 5 min.  So why not just create a daily blog, that way the parents can also voice their concerns or questions they may be having.

Another great idea for using the blog is to allow the students to log in and work on some activities on my blog.  I can design it to be kid-friendly and that way they can access the links that I have provided so they can get their projects done, and as an added bonus they are working with technology!  There are so many gadgets out there that can serve as learning tools! 

As an educator, I know it is great help when I can get advice from other educators who are in the same position I am.  Blogging can help me accomplish that! I found some awesome blogs out there such as KinderPlans where there are various posts of new activities that can be used in the classroom.  Another neat blog I found was Michelle Sommerville's 3 R's blog.  She has awesome activities with pictures for any occasion.  I also loved that she has random contest where she will give out prizes to other teachers.  If this was not enough I also found Just Another Day in K! This blogger has links all over her blog, that relate to different writing activities.  So this is my goal, to share with other educators my activities and projects I do with my classroom, in hopes of helping someone out there like me!

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