Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about some fantastic new information that I have encountered, that will definitely help out in my classroom as well as yours! I have recently been working on a new Unit Plan for my kindergartners which focuses on the various months of the year, and I found Inquiry and Project Based Learning to be very helpful in this whole process.
Inquiry-Based Learning is the way children learn through the process of involvement. I believe this is true because the best way that anyone can learn something is by hands-on activities that allows you to better understand the meaning and remember it as time passes by. This is also where the art of questioning comes into play, Why? What?... etc. These types of questions motivate the students to want to learn more about the certain topic at hand.
Project-Based Learning is having the students placed in the middle of the learning process and them interacting with their surroundings in order to learn more. This type of learning, personally, I think is great because what better way to motivate students than placing them in the middle of the situation? It is known that we will remember 90% of what we do verses the 10% we do remember of what we hear.
Students need to be exposed to this types of learning processes, and I feel that Inquiry and Project based learning definitely helps out in my unit plan. I can expose the students to real life situations of why December is cold and June is hot. The possibilities are endless, and every teacher should include some sort of these learning processes into their daily lessons!
(Check out my collaborative paper!)
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